Sunday, April 6, 2008

St John the Divine.

We had a fascinating tour in the Cathedral on Saturday through the nave and up to the roof. Currently the nave is closed because of a fire in 2001. So this tour is currently the only way to take a peak.

We had a really nice guy who was knew a lot about the church. Although he did ask if Samuel Beckett was a martyr. Hannah put him straight.

The tour takes you up the internal stairs directly behind the swimming snowmen. The guide first takes you through a door where the renovation work is happening. The space and colours jump out first. Then the windows.


Traditionally in Anglican churches the west end (the nave) of the church was identified with the laity and the east end with the priests and the choristers. Its with this in mind that the Rose Window high above the entrance to the nave, designed by Ralph Adams Cram, has in its center a human size figure of Jesus at 5' 7" high.


I'd never really thought about the direction you enter a church. But it all fits enter from the west leaving behind the noise of Amsterdam Av then move through the church to the silence in the east.

For record keepers you get 2 points here. St John the Divine has the longest nave at 230 feet and the largest rose window at 40 feet diameter in North America.

The geometry of the window is fascinating. Read this for more.

Here are a few more pictures and you can see more here.

The dark brown colour on one of the arches was caused by smoke from the 2001 fire. The fire did little damage however the smoke discoloured all of the limestone interior.

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